Monday, April 28, 2008

73 Days to 1001 Pots

LM @ 1001 Pots, July 2007 with a Goddard Teapot. "I love shino glazes!"

In the world of pottery 73 days can go by in the blink of an eye, especially when that 73rd day is a deadline or, in this case, the opening of 1001 Pots - a month long pottery exhibition in Val-David, QC.

I was in this amazing show last summer and will be showing there again this summer. If you love pottery, this is a must-see exhibition and sale. 108 potters were involved last year and I think there will be about that number or slightly more this year!

Okay, now I'm starting to sweat! 73 days to bring some pots to life and even fewer days until I travel to Winnipeg for my father's 75th birthday. I have a dinnerware order to bring to my friends Colin and Barb, a wine pitcher for my sister, Toni and something for Dad. I don't know what, but making him an ashtray crossed my mind. At 74 and 11 months, my Dad is still smoking and (correct me if I'm wrong here, Dad) has been doing so since he was about 7 years old. I doubt that he was a pack-a-day kind of kid, but yeah, 7 years old.

I tried smoking when I was 10 and then again at 12, but gave it up when my best friend insulted me about the way I smoked. She insisted I was "wasting it" because I didn't inhale. Ha! That makes me laugh now. When she said it, I pushed the pack of smokes in her chest and said, "Here! YOU smoke them then!!" and stomped off.

I was just talking to my friend Suzanne the other day and we were reminiscing about the days when people smoked in the office, on buses, in restaurants, etc. and how I grew up in a house where 4 out of 5 smoked (I was the lone non-smoker), and a doctor I once saw walked into the examination room to see me with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, some serious muffin top going on that I could spy under his lab coat and he telling me I was fat and needed to lose some weight. Ha! That makes me laugh too!!

Anyway, it's pot-making time! I may not be posting too many things in the coming days and when I do, it may be short but I'll make it sweet.

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