Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Way or Another...

...I'm in the mud. Blackflies aren't keeping me out of the garden. I have a net hat and an economy size can of insect repellant.

Yesterday I planted some lillies and a few days ago, Lady's Mantle.

Look at what's growing in the garden these days. (Photos by Valérie Davignon)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Found photos

Not that y'all knew they were lost...

Fall 2007. Casserole dish in the garden - lid fused on with glaze (yes, it was an accident!) Photo by Valérie Davignon

Black Eyed Susan - Photo by Valérie Davignon

Star of Bethlehem - Photo by Valérie Davignon

Oops! Look at the time. I have a class to teach.